
Biscuits (From New Zealand)

Dana got this recipe from her trip to NZ. I think from a senior couple serving there. 


3cup flour
1heaping TBSN Baking Powder
1/2tsp salt
2tsp sugar (or up to 3)
1/4cup butter
1cup buttermilk
no buttermilk recipe
2cups flour
4tsp baking powder
1tsp salt (if using unsalted butter)
5TBSN butter
1cup milk


1.Mix flour, salt and sugar
2.Cut butter into mix
3.Add milk and stif until dough is puffy and easy to roll
4.Roll out dough about 1/2 inch thick and cut in circles
5.Place on greased tray for 15 minutes in oven heated to 390 degrees.
1.Serve with sausage and gravy
2.Serve with jam and a dob of whipped cream


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